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I know Traci Hawkins to be a highly competent and caring counselor with excellent training, a wide range of experience, and a high degree of professional and personal integrity. I consider her to be at the top level of her profession. Dr. Nathan Claunch, PhD - Ann Arbor, MI

March 2019--Traci helped me through a period of healing and reflection. During our sessions, I developed as a woman and mother, and I have continued to grow since working with her. Traci sacrificed more of herself than was required. She helped me reconfirm my beliefs while developing clarity. Her unbiased support helped me see things in a whole new perspective. I have so much to be thankful for today and I am still most certainly thankful for everything Traci has done for me. - Adult Female

March 2019--Traci’s experience and expertise with treating anxiety and other emotional hurdles has been a real inspiration for me professionally and personally. Her positive presence and genuine passion for helping others makes her stand out amongst others in the field” Michelle Taverner, LMSW

February 2019--The decision to put into words all of my thoughts and experiences regarding Traci was an easy one to make....I think everyone should know about this wonderfully insightful therapist. I was fortunate to have met her about 20 years ago and she honestly helped me through a very trying life experience. I believe I am a better person and mother today, because of her. Her wisdom, kindness, and gentle manner always made the hard conversations a little easier and allowed me to take home something positive that I could put into action in my real life. I believe those in her practice and presence are the lucky ones and if you aren't already, but are contemplating meeting with her, you should take a leap of faith and do this for yourself. Traci possesses integrity, honesty, and a demeanor worthy of becoming your treasured confidante. I feel as though I always have an open door and could count on Traci to help me during life's ups and downs. I am grateful to still be acquainted with her. Clarice

I have been referring people to Traci Hawkins for more than 15 years. It’s such a relief to know that people I care about who are struggling will be treated professionally and with compassion. Traci is kind, caring and knowledge. Her depth and breadth of experience help people regain hope and get back to living the life they want. Many have commented that they are far happier and better prepared for future challenges due to Traci’s insightful support. I am so thankful For Traci!
Julie Bloomfield, MA, LPC

I went to Traci for counseling a couple of different times while I was in the relationship that I was in. It was at the beginning of the relationship (had I only realized what she was helping me through then was something that could have prevented myself going through later) and then again toward the end of the relationship for counseling as a married couple. Traci was very easy to open up to, she listened and I felt in our sessions that she understood and was there to help.  As we went to her as a married couple, she again listened, without taking sides but to help us through things by bringing to attention what seemed to be the cause. I would highly recommend Traci to anyone.  She is pleasant, she listens, she makes you feel understood and is there to truly help!  GG

I've known Traci for over 20 years. She was my therapist. I chose her because she's a woman and a Christian. I was deeply depressed. When I came to Traci our family was in crisis. My children were in foster care. At no time, did I feel that she judged me. Traci is a kind, caring, professional. My family and I were blessed by her presence in our lives.  Wanna Lee Johnson

Traci is a kind and compassionate therapist as well as a great listener. She makes you feel comfortable and safe while helping you get to the heart of your issues. She is one of a kind. E.W. (adult male)

Traci is the best! She is sincere and very caring about the issues of her patients. She handles all questions and advice with care and always seems to go out of her way to make you feel comfortable. I have always had great experiences with her.  N.M. (adult male)

Sitting down for a therapy session with Traci Hawkins is like sitting down with a good friend and having an insightful conversation. She immediately makes you feel as comfortable as possible, and pulls you into a discussion without the pressure of “spilling your guts.” Her ability to listen to what you have to say and relate it to her life experience sets her apart from any other therapist I have known. At no time during my treatment did I feel misunderstood. At no time did I feel like I was just another patient. My experience with Traci began in December of 2003 and ended sometime in the spring of 2008. Throughout that time she taught me many things. She taught me how to let go of the things that are not important even when my reaction was to hang on. She taught me to accept people for who they are and to appreciate what they currently have to offer me instead of feeling angry about what they have failed to give me in the past. This specific lesson brought my father back into my life and my gratitude for that is immeasurable. She taught me that it is okay to enjoy happiness from the small things in life, even when and especially if, the big things are all messed up. She taught me how to forgive. She taught me how to see my husband with different eyes, to see his intentions more clearly and to forgive his methods. She taught me how to look at myself and see the things I can change, and she gave me the tools to change them. Many of the lessons she has taught me are still sinking in today. When I get angry at my husband, or when he does one of the things he has always done that hurts me, I hear her voice in the back of my mind coaching me to be better….to react better, or to not react at all. The guidance she has given me has been invaluable to the continuation of my marriage and the success of my family. She helped me to begin my journey towards a happy and rewarding life in December of 2003, and she continued to stay with me and encourage me until I had met that goal. And along the way she gave me the tools to stay the course even when life doesn’t go as I’d like it to, even when the unexpected happens. Because of this, I am forever in her debt. Because of this, I would and do, recommend her services to anyone and everyone who is in need. Tammy W. - Jackson, MI

Traci's caring, compassionate and confidential support far exceeded my expectations of just how important psychological treatment can be. I will be forever grateful for her role in helping my teenage daughter recover from anxiety and depression and at the same time easing my own worries as a parent. Traci has been a real blessing in our lives and I highly recommend her!
Robin Wheaton - Tipton, MI

Traci Hawkins is an excellent choice for family counseling services. Traci worked with our budget and schedule. She is personable, on time and has high integrity.” Janet Kapa - Napoleon, MI

"I am completely impressed with the passion that Traci shows in to her work. I have a difficult time getting excited about people who aren't passionate about what they do, so when I first spoke with Traci, her heart for her career and zest for life were very evident. With all the demands and challenges that we face in our day to day, life can often overtake what makes a great life for us as individuals and as families. Traci does an amazing job at helping redirect and affirm to lead you to a more fulfilling and happy life. It is with great pride that I whole-heartedly recommend Traci for the times you need that external, non-judgmental, motivating, and neutral person in your life." Kari Carpenter - Brooklyn, MI

It is great to know that I have a resource like Traci that I can refer people that are in need. She is professional, personable, kind, and most important believes in Jesus. As a pastor many times people need more than I can or am trained to give. Knowing that there is a professional with the caliber that Traci possesses that is right in our home town is reassuring and essential for me. Thank you for being here, Pastor Daniel Schultz - Crosspointe Church - Brooklyn, MI

I have never thought of going to a therapist. When I started having problems with everyday life my husband and I decided to get help. After seeing a couple of different therapists I met Traci Hawkins. Traci has helped me deal with my anxiety and fears for a couple of years. I feel comfortable talking with her and telling her things that I wouldn’t normally tell anyone. Traci is very kind, understanding, caring and yet firm. She believes in me and I trust her. She has given me strength and courage. I would recommend Traci to anyone! She will make you feel better about yourself and help you live your life to the fullest. Tina Shelton - Brooklyn, MI

Traci Hawkins has been a thorough, accommodating, and patient therapist for so many Lumen Christi students and families. It is a relief to know that her capable and compassionate skills are available quickly when students are struggling with a wide variety of issues that impede their enjoyment of life and school. Students and families report high satisfaction with Traci and the help she provides.
Julie Bloomfield - Lumen Christi High School - Jackson, MI

There came a point in my life when I couldn't run from my life anymore, and if I was ever going to be able to heal from my childhood, which had so affected my children's childhood, that was the time. I knew I wanted a female therapist and a therapist that was a Christian, so I choose Traci. I have never once regretted that decision. I found her to be professional in every sense of the word. She was not in anyway judgmental. She truly cared about the quality of both my life and that of my children's. I give her high marks. If you're looking for someone to help you heal, help you with raising your children in an appropriate environment, helping you sort through your feelings, whatever they may be, you cannot go wrong with Traci. She was a blessing to me and my children when we needed somebody the most. Most Sincerely, Wanna Lee Johnson - Wayne, MI

I first met Traci Hawkins about 10 years ago when I began working at the Center for Behavior and Medicine in Ann Arbor/Canton. My job there was that of a clerical/intake worker. It became apparent to me that Traci was very professional and well liked, as she was consistently requested by our patients. She was a caring and compassionate coworker who never failed to ask how your day was and often would try to engage you if she knew you were having a tough time and needed to talk. Since then we have both gone on our separate ways, but I never forgot her caring personality. When recently I found myself in a position where I was feeling overwhelmed due to the birth of twins (in addition to my 4 year old), I immediately thought of Traci. I had not talked to her in a few years, but she returned my call within an hour. Traci was able to give me some great advice on how to cope as well as steer me in the right direction of how to get help for myself. I can wholeheartedly recommend Traci to anyone who needs help; she is a wonderful psychologist who gives 100% for her patients.
Corinna Conley - Napoleon, MI

I saw Traci my sophomore/junior year of high school during a challenging time in my life. Feelings of failure, loneliness, and confusion led me on a path of eating disorders and depression. Right from the start, I could tell Traci’s caring and inviting nature would help me reach my goals and full potential in life. Now after graduating college, I feel Traci has provided me with the tools to overcome any obstacle that is ahead of me. She informed me on ways to cope with my emotions and everyday stress without harming my body. I found it easy and extremely comfortable to talk to Traci. She provided me with examples of her day to day experiences which were insightful and refreshing. Even to this day, seven years after my last session with Traci, she is still truly concerned with my wellbeing and is happy to hear updates about my life. Traci is a genuine, compassionate, intelligent woman whom I would recommend to anyone who feels the need to share their feelings and lead a more fulfilling future.
Kara Karalis - Canton, MI

I called Traci's office and she wasn't in the office, but within an hour her office called me back for an appointment that afternoon. I hate to think about what might have happened and how different my life would be today if she hadn't made time to see me that day. I was suppose to go out of town for an extended period later that day and if I had not gotten an appointment with Traci I would have left town and I am not sure when or if I would have ever made it back home. For that and the wonderful care she provided over the next six months I will forever be grateful. Traci helped me work through some very difficult issues providing me skills to cope with issues and giving me HOPE. Traci provided resources for me to access that were very helpful and I could always give her a call or email if I was having a difficult time. As busy as I am sure she was Traci always responded to me within a very short time. With Traci's help I have found a life full of love and happiness that I had never experienced before. I would highly recommend Traci to anyone who may be going through a difficult period in their life or who is in need of someone to talk with who can provide objectivity, who is very professional, and who cares so much for people and the health of her patients. Blair Tuckey - Stockbridge, MI

We can’t direct the wind
but we can adjust our sails

We can’t direct the wind
but we can adjust our sails

We can’t direct the wind
but we can adjust our sails

We can’t direct the wind
but we can adjust our sails

We can’t direct the wind
but we can adjust our sails

We can’t direct the wind
but we can adjust our sails

We can’t direct the wind
but we can adjust our sails

We can’t direct the wind
but we can adjust our sails

We can’t direct the wind
but we can adjust our sails

We can’t direct the wind
but we can adjust our sails

Traci Breniser Wilson, MA LLP

Clear Reflections Psychotherapy, PLLC
Dexter, Michigan
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Last modified: 05/14/24